We work hard to make sure all SFCC’s academic technology projects enhance your working, learning and teaching.

We also strive to be transparent about the technology projects being developed by ITS and other stakeholders across campus. This is a list of ITS projects, including project descriptions, expected dates of completion and project updates.

PC Refresh

Certain desktops and laptops will be replaced with newer models. For laptops, employees must have the laptop, power cable, and bag for the device to be replaced. Before we replace them, please make sure everything has been moved to the H drive or your own external hard drive.

August 2017 – January 2018
Target Campus(es), Building(s) and Audiences: Certain model numbers of devices. If you want to know, please contact Becky Rose at rrose@sfccmo.edu.

Knowledge Base Update

IT Services will be working on documentation for the current Knowledge Base to empower users to search for answers and to minimize issues, which will free up resources for bigger projects.

August 2017 – January 2018
Target Campus(es), Building(s) and Audiences: All

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