This page contains information regarding academic institutional policies, such as: attendance, academic integrity and honesty, withdrawals, privacy rights, special services, and accommodations.

Policies and regulations, as they pertain to students, are coded in the “2000s,” and are available here.


  • Student Attendance

    Class attendance is essential for student success and students are expected to attend all class sessions and report punctually. Individual instructors establish their own attendance policies that are clearly stated in each course syllabus. The attendance policy may include special circumstances under which a student’s absences may be excused and stipulations for making up course work missed during instructor-excused absences.

    Student attendance in online or the online portion of hybrid courses is
    defined as active participation in the course, as designated in the instructor’s syllabus. Active participation may include completion of quizzes or exams, submission of assignments, participation in threaded discussions or blogs, or communication with the instructor.

    It is the responsibility of the student to arrange to make up all course work missed because of legitimate class absences and to notify the instructor when an absence will occur. The instructor determines the effect of absences on grades. Students who are reported as never attending a course will be withdrawn from the class by the College. Absence from class does not constitute withdrawal from the class. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the withdrawal process. No student initiated drops may occur after the withdrawal deadline as posted in the academic calendar. Pregnancy related absences should not count against the student and they must be allowed to make up work. The student needs to provide documentation that the absence is related to a medical issue.

    This does not include maternity leave. Examples are: regular pregnancy related doctor appointments for the mother and/or the unborn child, labor and delivery, doctor ordered bed-rest, etc.

    Faculty are not required to excuse absences simply because the student is not feeling well or tired.

    Absences due to representation of the college in some official capacity, such as athletic travel or participation in a class or club-sponsored activity, will not be counted by faculty who reduce student’s grades due to excessive absenteeism.

    If the student does not communicate with their instructor prior to the date of absence in order to establish a plan for makeup work, then the faculty member is not required to allow the student to make up any missed assignments, quizzes, tests, labs, etc.

    Each coach/sponsor/instructor is responsible for sending an e-mail to the Dean of Academic Affairs at least 4 days ahead of time. This communication should include departure time, when students will return to campus, and a list of students involved.

    The Dean will then send out an email to faculty if the trip is approved. Students who will miss a class or lab because of an institution sanctioned event are responsible for talking with each instructor ahead of the absence.

    Where possible class assignments, exams or exercises are to be made up before the departure time. Faculty members should contact the coach/sponsor/instructor if a student on the list should consider (because of class performance or previous absences) not attending the competition or performance.

  • Academic Honesty

    You are encouraged to assist each other and exchange information in order to master the concepts and skills covered in this class and to seek tutoring if necessary. However, collaboration on any graded assignment or exam to the extent that it is not an individual student’s total, personal effort will be considered as a violation of the Student Conduct Code as printed in the Student Handbook.

    When an academic exercise is designed to result in a grade, any of the following activities constitute violations of academic honesty unless expressly authorized in advance by the instructor.

    A. Plagiarizing any information or idea and submitting it as one’s own work:

    1. Using actual words from another source, failing to surround those words in quotation marks, and failing to provide the appropriate citation.
    2. Paraphrasing the words or another source without providing the appropriate citation, excluding general knowledge that can be found in three or more sources.
    3. Using an idea from another source and failing to provide the appropriate citation.

    B. Cheating in any form involving academic work:

    1. Copying any information from another student including tests, worksheets, computer files, reports or other documents that are presented for a grade.
    2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain an unauthorized copy of a test or an answer key.
    3. Taking an exam or completing coursework for another student in a traditional or online course, or allowing another student to provide these services.
    4. Using unauthorized information during a test.
    5. Collaborating with another student for a test or other graded assignment without the consent of the instructor.
    6. Purchasing any document and presenting it as original work.
    7. Bribing or attempting to bribe an instructor, staff member or student to alter a grade.
    8. Inventing information to support a research paper or other class project.

    C. Falsifying any information provided to the college including forging signatures or tampering with official documents.

    Academic misconduct violations will result in a minimum of a zero grade for the paper, assignment, or test on which the violation occurred. Instructors may recommend a more stringent course of action to the dean. Upon consultation with the instructor and the student, the dean may choose an additional penalty. In very serious or repeated cases of academic misconduct, the penalty may include failure of the class or expulsion from the college. A description of academic misconduct, including specific descriptions of penalties for academic misconduct, will be included in the syllabus for each SFCC course. [Note: Faculty members should retain records of the final decision in a case of any alleged academic misconduct for at least one (1) calendar year. They should also notify the dean. The dean will keep records to help identify repeat offenders.

  • Withdrawals

    You should talk with your instructor before withdrawing from any course as there might be alternatives to consider. The responsibility to withdraw from a course falls with the student; instructors will not withdraw you from courses. Refer to the current semester class schedule for the last date to withdraw. After that date you cannot withdraw and you will receive a letter grade even if you stop attending class.

  • Right to Privacy

    Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students have certain rights regarding disclosure of, or access to, their  academic records at SFCC. These can be found in detail at

    It is a violation of FERPA for faculty to publicly post a student’s grades by their name, SFCC ID, or social security number. Faculty may not distribute graded material in such a way that allows a student to identify themselves or others.

  • Special Services Accommodations

    Students with disabilities who require special accommodations should contact the SFCC Access Office, located in Yeater Learning Center, Room 159 , 660-530-5832, at the beginning of the semester. If you have emergency medical information or need special arrangements, please see Julie McNeal to make an appointment. For additional information on Disability Services at SFCC, visit the website at Please know that reasons for all disability services are confidential and will never be discussed with
    any instructor, student, or staff, without your written consent.

    Non-Discrimination/Accommodation Notice:
    State Fair Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or age in its programs and activities or in employment. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy: Director of Human Resources, Hopkins Student Services Center, (660) 596-7484, or Director of Student Life and Development, Hopkins Student Center, (660) 596-7393. The Hopkins Center is located on SFCC‘s Sedalia campus at 3201 W. 16th St. Sedalia, MO. 65301.

    Inquires also may be directed to the U.S Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights at

  • Accomodation Notice

    Interested persons may obtain information as to the existence and location of services, activities and facilities at State Fair Community College that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities by contacting the Disability Resource Center, Yeater Learning Center, Room 159, SFCC, 3201 W. 16th Street, Sedalia, MO 65301, (660) 530-5832.

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