Position: Specialist Academic Rec/Test
Lambert, Ashley
Adjunct Instructor
- Associate of Science - Mountain State University
- Bachelor of Science - Mountain State University
Landers, Cheryl
Manager Design Services
Marketing and Communications
- Bachelor of Science - Univ Of Central Missouri
- clanders@sfccmo.edu
- (660) 596-7412
- Yeater 170
- Sedalia, MO
Lankford, Angela
Instructor Science
- Bachelor of Science - Univ Of Central Missouri
- Master of Science - Univ Of Central Missouri
- alankford@sfccmo.edu
- (660) 596-7337
- Heckert Center 804
- Sedalia, MO
Laughlin, Kaylee
Adjunct Instructor
Dental Hygiene
- Associate of Applied Science - State Fair Community College
Lawson, Dr. Kevin
Instructor Microbiology
- Bachelor of Science - Park University
- Doctorate of Chiropractic - Cleveland Chiropractic C-Overl
- klawson7@sfccmo.edu
- (660) 596-7133
- Yeater 142 or in Lab 147
- Sedalia, MO
Layman, Jeromy
Director Upward Bound
Upward Bound - SCHS
- Bachelor of Arts - Drury University
- jlayman@sfccmo.edu
- (573) 821-3866
- Yeater Mail Room Attn: Upward Bound
- Sedalia, MO
Lazenby, Bryant
Adjunct Instructor
Developmental Education - Math
- Bachelor of Science - Univ Of Central Missouri
- Associate of Arts - State Fair Community College
Leonard, Michael
Dean Technical Education & Workforce Innovation
Career and Technical Education
- Master of Education - North Carolina State Univ At R
- Master of Science - Mississippi State University
- mleonard4@sfccmo.edu
- (660) 596-7402
- 3201 W 16th St Fielding 264
- Sedalia, MO
Leverton, Melissa
Adjunct Instructor
- Master of Arts - Lindenwood University
- Bachelor of Science - Northwest Missouri St Univ
Linenfelser, Ian
Adjunct Instructor
Boonville Campus
- Bachelor of Arts - Murray State University
- Master of Music - Illinois State University
Lodge, Britney
Adjunct Instructor
Central Hub
- Master of Education - Stephens College
Love, Madison
Assistant Coach Softball/ Res. Life
- Associate of Arts - State Fair Community College
- mlove3@sfccmo.edu
- (660) 596-7425
- Multi Purpose Center - 112
- Sedalia, MO
Lovitt, Brea
Practical Nursing - PN / LPN
Practical Nursing - PN / LPN
- BS in Nursing - Midland Lutheran College
Lund, Missy
Administrative Assistant Health Sciences
Surgical Tech Program
- mlund1@sfccmo.edu
- (660) 383-7054
- 1701 N 2nd St Room 106
- Clinton, MO
Luper Jr, Donnie
Instructor Art
- Bachelor of Fine Arts - Kansas City Art Institute
- Master of Fine Arts - Univ Of Missouri-Columbia
Lyells, Lindsey
Adjunct Instructor
- Bachelor of Arts - North Central College
- Master of Arts - Auburn University
Lytle, Maria
Adjunct Instructor
Academic Affairs
- Bachelor of Science - Missouri State University
- Master of Science - Missouri State University
Toll Free (877) 311-7322
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State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.