April 26, 2021

As we near the beginning of summer- there’s definitely some unfinished business that needs to be covered. The semester is not over yet- which means finals are very quickly approaching. It’s important to know what kind of final you’re taking. If this means asking your professor what you should be expecting, then I highly encourage everyone to do so!

If your final happens to be an essay, I suggest using the writing tutors to ensure that your essay is as well put together as possible! SFCC offers this resource to all students at no cost. To utilize the writing tutors you can either come to the tutoring lab at the Sedalia campus between 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, or send your paper by email to jjackson5@sfccmo.edu. In the email make sure to include the following: your name, class title, instructor name, and a description of the assignment. If you have a specific area (such as thesis, organization, mechanics, MLA format, works cited) you would like advice on, include that in the email. Send the paper or questions as early as possible, as it can take up to 48 hours for them to review it- on top of the changes and adjustments you’ll need to make afterward. Be sure to send this in a Microsoft Word document!

If the final is instead a comprehensive final- then I would highly suggest reviewing past quizzes, exams, and homework assignments from previous units! You can make quizlets, kahoots, or even flashcards to make it a more fun experience. If you had previous troubles in a past unit, you could also reach out to your instructor during their office hours to see if they may be able to review the topic with you again to ensure you score higher on your final! I would also suggest doing any study guides your instructor may offer (optional or not)!

Should your final be over the last unit of the class, I would suggest attending class every day (as per normal), taking a lot of notes, and asking questions! Again, if you’re having trouble understanding any particular concepts, reach out to your instructor! They are there to help! Utilize the office hours and resources they’ve provided to you as it can help immensely. I would also suggest using the office hours and asking questions should your final be a project.

Last, but certainly not least, if your final happens to be centered around math, SFCC offers free math tutoring as well. This tutoring is offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. via zoom. Send your request for the Zoom meeting link to Julie Crawshaw at jcrawshaw@sfccmo.edu from your SFCC student email. Make sure to include your name, course title, and your instructor’s name in the email.

Good luck on your finals!


Written by Taylor Ireland.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m a sophomore at State Fair Community College. I’m heavily involved around campus as a residential assistant for the Student Life apartments, TRiO President for the Fall 2020 Semester, an active participant in our school’s theatre, and a work study for Student Success! I’m around campus a lot; unfortunately, I don’t often have time to chat with everyone, so hopefully blogs about my experiences at SFCC will help to aid you into either getting back into the groove of things, or help you start a groove if you’re new!


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