February 22, 2021

As my time at State Fair reaches its end, I’m realizing there’s another aspect of my daily endeavors that I haven’t quite covered yet. At new student orientation my freshman year, Yvette Sweeney, Director of Student Success and Retention, approached me and told me she thought I would be a great fit to join her department as a work study employee. I hadn’t expected the invitation; however, it was one I took to heart nonetheless.

Without Sweeney reaching out and asking me to apply for the work study position, I likely would have never applied for the campus job, nor would I have gotten as involved in other activities as what I am. Through working in this position, I’ve gained a better understanding of our college and the right ways and departments to approach situations. I have many friends who don’t understand how to do small things, such as request transcripts. People think it’s a bigger process than what it is; however, due to my experience in work study, I’m fully capable of doing so myself and helping others through the online process as well.

I encourage everyone to apply for a work study position. It provides ample opportunities to get involved on campus, and helps you become more willing to ask others questions. I know many people who are hesitant to ask questions; however, the employees at SFCC are truly there to help you. Ask the question, and they’ll give you an answer in addition to offering their help and support through what you’re attempting to accomplish.            

Work study allows for you to still obtain pay while taking classes, something that can be difficult to find at many jobs that are not located on campus. They build your schedule around what classes you have scheduled and can be more understanding when life gets in the way than that of a normal employer. Work study is a major opportunity for those who meet the Fafsa eligibility requirements! I recommend all those who are eligible apply for a work study job!


Written by Taylor Ireland.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m a sophomore at State Fair Community College. I’m heavily involved around campus as a residential assistant for the Student Life apartments, TRiO President for the Fall 2020 Semester, an active participant in our school’s theatre, and a work study for Student Success! I’m around campus a lot; unfortunately, I don’t often have time to chat with everyone, so hopefully blogs about my experiences at SFCC will help to aid you into either getting back into the groove of things, or help you start a groove if you’re new!


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