November 02, 2020
TRiO Murder Mystery Party

As a first generation college student, I would be lost if it weren’t for TRiO. Ever since the day I was accepted into the program, they’ve guided me through all of the major bumps in the road, while even helping me anticipate smaller ones as well. They offer numerous services while also making someone new to the college experience feel right at home. They have 3 criteria to qualify, and you just have to meet one of them to qualify: You’re a first generation college student, you come from a low-income household, or you have a documented disability. In addition to those qualifiers, you must be seeking a bachelor’s degree. 

TRiO has numerous resources that have helped me throughout my time at State Fair. One of those resources is TRiO-specific navigators. My TRiO Navigator is Dana Goosen, and we meet once a month to make sure I’m still on track and everything is going well with classes as well as out of the classroom. She keeps tabs on what we discuss and checks in to see if I’ve applied for those scholarships like I said I was going to, or if I’ve filled out the FAFSA. If I’m having any problems, we brainstorm tactics to overcome any obstacles I’m facing. They’re there to help you succeed and support you in what you want to accomplish. 

The resources provided by this organization are of great value. When not in a pandemic setting, they offer one-on-one on-campus tutoring, access to a computer lab, free food, and tons of activities to participate in throughout the year. They also have services like free printing, they pay for 3 official transcripts to be sent, and offer special classes. During the pandemic, they’re still offering these services; however, they’re a little different as everything is shifted to an online format. Now, tutoring can be done through zoom, free printing can be accessed anywhere at the college as they’ve loaded our accounts with $15 for printing, etc. 

I definitely suggest inquiring and applying! It’s highly beneficial to you, and could very well help you succeed and accomplish your goals of obtaining a bachelor’s degree. It’s free of cost, there are no membership fees, so there is no reason to not at least apply! I hope to see many new faces joining TRiO!

Pictured is Taylor Ireland at TRiO’s puppy stress relief party.


Written by Taylor Ireland.


About the Author
Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m a sophomore at State Fair Community College. I’m heavily involved around campus as a residential assistant for the Student Life apartments, TRiO President for the Fall 2020 Semester, an active participant in our school’s theatre, and a work study for Student Success! I’m around campus a lot; unfortunately, I don’t often have time to chat with everyone, so hopefully blogs about my experiences at SFCC will help to aid you into either getting back into the groove of things, or help you start a groove if you’re new!


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