September 28, 2020

One big difference between my freshman year at State Fair and my sophomore year is the requirement of masks, and a pandemic that seems to be slowly squeezing the life out of each one of us. At the start of the pandemic,  I lost the ability to go on a once in a lifetime trip to Europe through SFCC, an opportunity to stage manage Monty Python’s Spamalot, and even my housing. It was one hit after another after another. Classes went online, and because I moved home, I felt like I wasn’t putting in my best effort in each of my classes. I was super depressed and distracted myself by simply working constantly. 

The moment I heard that State Fair would actually be reopening, I was elated. It really snapped me out of the darkness that seemed to have smothered me like a blanket. Of course, the only real requirements were that I wear a mask and socially distance myself. Wearing a mask really wasn’t that big of a deal to me, especially if it meant I’d be able to ask questions during lectures, see my theatre friends and begin rehearsing once more, as well as move back into a positive environment like that of campus housing. As this semester begins, I get to go to work study again, begin my job as an RA for the student apartments, stage manage this year’s musical: James and the Giant Peach, and even be super involved with TRiO as the Fall 2020 President! 

Compared to all of the positives that come with the reopening of SFCC, wearing a mask to keep it open doesn’t seem like that big of a deal! Honestly, after wearing the mask pretty much everywhere for the past few weeks, I feel somehow naked when I take it off after arriving at my apartment. It has become a regular clothing item, and it’ll definitely be weird adjusting to not wearing it once the pandemic ends.

The biggest thing is that it doesn’t just benefit me. Wearing a mask benefits everyone around campus. I’m lowering risk to myself, and I’m lowering risk to others by simply putting on one more layer of clothing. I have a roommate this semester who has asthma, I have brothers who have asthma, my dad is about to have another child, and so many other family members with health conditions that this virus could seriously affect. My grandmother has already had it, she lost her sense of taste and smell. She eventually regained it, but at the time, the doctors told her they weren’t sure if she would ever regain that ability. I can’t even fathom a life where I couldn’t taste what I eat, or smell the aromas swirling about the air around me.

That’s the biggest reason I wear a mask. I don’t want to cause any harm to others due to my negligence, nor do I want to allow this sickness to harm me without putting up some sort of a fight. Wearing a mask is that fight. It’s so easy, and so simple. If you don’t #MaskUpSFCC you’re potentially allowing the virus to interfere in our academic lives yet again, while also not even fighting it the only way we can. 


Written by Taylor Ireland.


About the Author
Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m a sophomore at State Fair Community College. I’m heavily involved around campus as a residential assistant for the Student Life apartments, TRiO President for the Fall 2020 Semester, an active participant in our school’s theatre, and a work study for Student Success! I’m around campus a lot; unfortunately, I don’t often have time to chat with everyone, so hopefully blogs about my experiences at SFCC will help to aid you into either getting back into the groove of things, or help you start a groove if you’re new!


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