VPN Access

FortiClient VPN Login

Step 1

Open FortiCleint to connect the VPN by either method:

  • Right clicking the Green Shield with a checkmark system tray icon and click “Open FortiClient Console”

FortiClient Toolbar

  • Clicking Start and type Forticlient, then enter

Step 2

Make sure “Remote Access” option on the left is selected.

FortiClient Login

Step 3

Type in your username and password, then click “Connect”

Step 4

Wait for the status to get to “100%”.  Once completed, you will get a notification in your system tray that you are connected.

FortiClient waiting for login

Step 5

To disconnect, find the icon in your system tray and then choose “Disconnect”

Missing H: Drive

If your H: drive is missing on your laptop follow these directions.


Login to FortiClient.

Step 2

Browse to this folder and copy the file to your desktop.

U:\Information_Pickup\Sovanski\Map Drive.bat

Step 3

Run the file.

Repeat Step 3 anytime the H: drive is missing.